2024 Quiltopia Oregon Quilt Challenge:
"A Book to Remember"
Sponsored by The Grand Hotel Salem
& Good Vibes Quilt Shop
Thanks to everyone who entered as they did a fantastic job of bringing to life our theme of "A Book to Remember." Below, you will find photos of the ten quilts as well as the inspiration for them from the quilters. You can also see who won first, second, third plus people's choice as well. Thanks to all who voted for their favorite quilt and those who entered this year's challenge as well as our fantastic sponsors, the Grand Hotel in Salem and Good Vibes Quilt Shop!

Quilt #1
Title: Nightingale
Made By: Kaethe Andersen Keizer, Oregon
Inspiration: The book by Kristen Hannah titled
The Nightingale

Quilt #2
Title: The Great Fish
Made By: Karen Cunagin. Albany, Oregon
Inspiration: The challenge fabric colors prompted the selection of the book of Jonah from the Bible. This adventure in the sea speaks to God’s mercy to us and our enemies. His love and patience knows no bounds. Everyone is invited to repent and trust Him.

Quilt #3
Title: Le Petit Prince
Made By: Marlene Burton Salem, Oregon
Inspiration: In French class my senior year in high school, we were required to read Le Petit Prince and write an essay (in French, of course) for our final exam. I came to LOVE this book and the touching themes in its original, beautiful language and received an A+ on my essay.
Some of the more heartfelt quotes are as follows:
“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
“It is the time you have spent for your rose that makes your rose so important.”
“ To you I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other.”
“What matters the most are the simple pleasures so abundant that we can all enjoy them…happiness doesn’t lie in the objects we gather around us. To find it, all we need to do is open our eyes.”

Quilt #4
Title: One Fish, Two Fish- Improv Edition
Made By: Sarah Power Philomath, Oregon
Quilt Inspiration: This is the first book I remember reading cover to cover BY MYSELF! It was from Santa in 1960, delivered to Granny Cora’s house, where we spent every Christmas. While there, my sisters and I slept in the middle room aka Granny’s sewing room. I spent hours trying to find all the different fabrics in her quilts. When she died, I inherited her unfinished segments of double wedding rings. I include ONE of those in this quilt to honor the memory of Christmas at Granny’s. I hope you notice that One Fish Two Fish is just the top book of a stack that I remember and add to often. I often add a pun to my quilts. Can you find it? Apologies to Dr. Suess and to Granny.

Quilt #5
Title: “I’m “Normal” Too”
Made by: Patrice Baker Springfield, Oregon
Quilt Inspiration: In the 6th grade during those changes we all go through, I felt alone and unsure. I felt weird, like I didn’t belong. I was battling between staying a child and the want to be a woman. I received the book, Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret? by Judy Blume, for free from my school’s mobile library. We lived in an area that was not fortunate enough to have a library at every school. Anyways, I was handed this book, and I judged the book by its dated cover. I had no interest in reading it and rolled my eyes. But as an avid reader, I read whatever I could get my hands on and eventually read it.
I felt as though Margaret and I was one in the same, this story was about me. It made me realize that the struggles of growing up and those crazy hormones were normal. That book gave me the confidence to be myself and that what I was feeling was normal. The quilting lines represent those hormones and emotions that often felt like they were too much. It’s chaotic and messy. To this day I start my prayers with are you there God? It’s me, Patrice.

Quilt #6
Title: Is It Time for Elevenses Yet?
Made by: Virginia Disney Boudreau Salem, Oregon
Quilt Inspiration: My mother, Jean Adams Disney, wrote the story of the Mouse Who Liked Cheese for me. The mouse had a problem! She could
never carry enough cheese for the 11:00 a.m. snack time to share with all her friends. Then she discovered Swiss Cheese! Her problem was solved. She could carry a piece of Swiss Cheese on her tail. This hanging is for my granddaughter, Jemma Jean, so she has something to know the great-grandmother she is named for by.
Second Place

First Place
Quilt #7
Title: From the Land of Spare Oom & City of War Drobe
Made by: Nanci Keatley Salem, Oregon
Quilt Inspiration: My introduction to C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia began with not with a book but rather a production of The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe when I was 11 years old. I was not actually aware of the actual books until grown with young children of my own. Once I discovered there was an entire series, I read every one as part of our family’s “breakfast book” time with my four children, who happen to be much like the Pevinses. Susan, Peter, Edmund and Lucy have found a place in our hearts as much as Mr. Tumnus and of course, Aslan. Now with my children grown, I have the joy to be able to re-read these books to another generation of children as a K-8 school librarian, and hopefully they will find a love for adventure and reading as we travel together from the land of Spare Oom & city of War Drobe into Narnia.

Quilt #8
Title: “I’m a Hufflepuff”
Made by: Treda McCaw Silverton, Oregon
Quilt Inspiration: I’ve read the Harry Potter series three times and I’m on my fourth time through. These books were what started my daughter down the path of being a stong reader - we both have an
“Expecto Patronis” tatoo - Best books ever!
Quilt #9
Title: Miss Rumphius
Made by: Betty Funk Salem, Oregon
Quilt Inspiration: As a preschool teacher the reading of Miss Rumphius was an annual event. The focus of “doing something to make the world more beautiful” being a treasured tradition & imparted from the ancestors to children as a life pursuit as valuable as wehere one lives and the cultural influences one experiences to live a full and meaningful life is my primary inspiration. My memories of joy, wonder and anticipation that sharing this story with the children in my classroom brought meaning & delight as I created this quilted art.
People's choice

Third Place
Quilt #10
Title: “No Smoke without Fire”
Made by: Mary Keatley Salem, Oregon
Quilt Inspiration: Thinking about all of the books I have ever read, “The Moving Finger” was the one that enticed me to create it as a quilt. I remember checking this book out at the Salem Public Library as it is my favorite Agatha Christie mystery. Each detail of the quilt is found in the book- the sillhouettes are based on characters or items important to the story. Miss Marple is featured in the center sillouette as well as her yarn and knitting needles that are always in her bag. The orange fabric reminded me of the color of the bookshelves at the library. The rest of
the books are other Agatha Christie titles I have enjoyed.